Fire Prevention Programs & Safety Information
Paving Projects

Major Streets
Fairlanes - Chicago Dr to 36th
Prairie - Chicago Dr to Red Mill Ave
Prairie - Wallace to Ivanrest
Ivanrest - Rivertown to South city limits

Local Streets
Carlton Park - Ottawa to Elwood
Chestnut - Mill to Prairie
Maple - Wilson to Fayette
Mill - Canal to Chestnut
Ottawa - 28th to Chicago Dr
Ottawa - Chicago Dr to 30th 
Ottawa - Prairie to Carlton Park
Pine - Prairie to Chicago Dr
Ponca - Wilson to Aaron
Ponca Ct - Ponca to End
Shoshone - Ivanrest to Chanute
Washington - Prairie to Chicago Dr
White St - Wilson to Ottawa
Yellowstone - Ivanrest to Chanute

Notice to Bidders - Click Here

Ivanrest - Prairie to 28th St
36th St - Canal to Kenowa